About Hays Lawson

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Hays Lawson contributed a whooping 72 entries.

Entries by Hays Lawson

Credit Report Scams

I say (write) again, the FTC is a pretty awesome website. Here’s a good article on how to recognize credit repair scams. The article highlights these signs: You’ll know you’re encountering credit repair fraud if a company: insists you pay them before they do any work on your behalf tells you not to contact the […]

Your Credit Report can Kill you

This is an interesting post on what to do if a consumer reporting agency reports that you’re dead. The site’s advice is to act fast to correct the error. So to stay among the quick and to avoid the dead, you need to be quick. (I know, a bit circular. But in this context, it […]

ID Thieves are Everywhere

When it comes to identity theft, you might want to keep your friends closer than your enemies. The person stealing you is could be someone you know or who you deal with on a professional or official business. According to credit.com, unlikely identity thieves include relatives, police officers, court workers, friends, and potential employers. When […]

Good Debt Buyers

There are good debt buyers. The website Strike the Debt (motto: “you are not a loan”) runs the Rolling Jubilee project. The Rolling Jubilee is project of Strike Debt where we buy debts for pennies on the dollar. But instead of collecting on that debt like a debt collector would, we just abolish it. So […]

Credit Score Dinged by Online Criticism

I’ve researched this, and still have trouble believing it. The website Kleargear.com fined a customer $3,500.00 for criticizing the company on the site RipoffoffReport.com. The fine was charged to the customer’s credit card. When she didn’t pay the charge, this negative info got reported to consumer reporting agencies. As a result, the customer’s credit score […]

Credit Reporting Agencies Now Identify "Revolvers"

Consumer Reporting Agencies recently changed the way it reports credit card payments in order to identify “revolvers,” card holders that routinely carry an outstanding balance on their accounts. As explained by Money Talks News:   “In the past, your credit file displayed your monthly balance, your credit limit and whether you failed to make at […]

The Downside of Improving your Credit Score

Raising your credit score has, well, scores of benefits, such as better access to credit, the ability to get more favorable rates, and an increased chance at employment and housing. For those with delinquent debt, there’s a downside. Your improved credit score makes you a target for collection activities. Consumer reporting agencies market services to […]

Reporting Negative Info is a Coercive Tool to Collect a Debt

Debt Collectors and Creditors Report Negative Information on Credit Reports in Order to Coerce Payment of Debts You all know this. But it’s comforting that courts and other authorities recognize it as well: “[R]eporting a debt to a credit reporting agency is ‘a powerful tool designed, in part, to wrench compliance with payment terms . […]

Credit Scores and the Affordable Care Act

Rumors seem to be swirling that your credit score will affect how much you will pay for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama Care. These rumors seem to have started on Florida TV station with an interview health insurance navigator. According to Rawstory.com The broadcast prompted conservative sites like The Weekly […]